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Friday, 21 February 2014

If You Want to be Happy for the Rest of your Life…Date a Seven More

In the classic song, "If you want to be happy," Jimmy Soul sings, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife/So from my personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you."

While the song is meant to be somewhat humorous, Soul does make a few good points. Now, nobody is suggesting that guys should start dating 400 lb. bearded women, but almost every man that I've ever met thinks that he wants to, and is qualified to, date a Victoria's Secret supermodel. The truth of the matter is that this would be impossible.

First of all, there are like 50 Victoria's Secret supermodels at any given time, and over 6 billion men on the planet. Second, I feel like I must direct this blog towards the many gentlemen suitors who in years past said that they "thought they could do better than me," yet as they start to approach their late 20s, realize that they did not find the elusive supermodel-brain surgeon-comedian chupacabra that they were expecting. I don't resent them for it, nor am I jealous at all of those who drew far better than me in the genetic lottery. In fact, I have many friends who are extremely aesthetically pleasing- tall, skinny- definite tens. However, I have learned to accept, relish even, being a seven. I have tons of friends and when I was I've never had a hard time getting a date. Looking at my life, seven might just be a lucky number. Gentlemen of the world, allow me to enlighten you on some of the benefits of dating a seven.

We try really hard- at everything. Think about it- we're close enough to the top that we are almost there, but just a little short. Think of us as the mountain climbers who keep getting stuck 800 feet below the summit of Mount Everest. We may never make it there, but we'll keep trying. Rarely will you find us looking gross and slacking off at the gym. Sevens are scrappers. We're the girls who didn't just accept our flaws and stay at home watching reality TV, alone, single, and friendless because we were unwilling to settle for a life inferior to that of the so-called "naturally pretty girls." We hustle, go hard, and work for what we want.

In ten years, we're might just surpass the hot girls. Think back to 2005 when Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie. Back then, Angelina Jolie, with her natural good looks and slim frame, appeared to be a better choice for the world's sexiest man. Now Jennifer Aniston was still very attractive, but lacked the exotic beauty of Angelina. Fast-forward nine years and Brad Pitt is probably kicking himself. While Jennifer Aniston appears to not have aged a bit, Angelina looks old, haggard, and tired. Slow and steady wins the race, my friends. For men who are thinking about a woman as potential marriage material, the moderately attractive girl who takes care of herself and puts in time at the gym is probably not going to fall victim to the metabolism trap and other signs of aging without a fight, while the girls that have had everything come naturally to them won't know what to do.

We've developed great personalities. Girls such as myself learned a long time ago that we needed to rely on more than our looks of we wanted to catch the attention of the opposite sex. Expect most sevens to be charming, witty, and clever.

We have outside interests. One time I was the only female under60 in the middle of a forest in Alaska surrounded by a lumberjack convention. I have never had so many men swarm me in my life. I tell this story because it's the only time in my life that's happened to me. Most of the time, girls such as myself have to actually go out and meet friends- both male and female. This usually means that we have outside interests whether its sports or a hobby.

We're thick-skinned. Girls like us have probably experienced more heartbreak and harsher criticism than our more aesthetically pleasing counterparts. This has taught us to be tough, accept criticism, take action, and get back to life. Sevens are resilient- we bounce back. As much as you'd like to think that you hurt us, we don't sit around listening to Kelly Clarkson and eating Ben and Jerry's (well, I do love Americone Dream).

We see people for who they are on the inside. We know we are not perfect and don't expect anyone else to be either. We know that beauty is more than skin-deep and are therefore more likely to be kinder to all people, regardless of outward appearance.

We're more appreciative. Guys don't usually buy girls like myself luxury cars, hundred thousand dollar jewelry, or other ridiculous gifts. In fact, we don't have many expectations and don't feel entitled to much. Pick a bouquet of flowers and give them to a ten and she MGHT talk to you for a few minutes. Do the same for a seven and she'll probably get a kick out of it.

All of this being said, these reasons aren't meant to be blanket statements. There are beautiful girls with hearts of gold and there are physically unattractive ones who feel entitled and project that negativity on everyone else. My final piece of advice: gentlemen, if you have a seven and she makes you happy, makes you laugh, and gets along with your friends and family, keep her. If not, you'll regret it later.
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