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Saturday 14 March 2015

TECH NEWS Use this Spigen Magnetic Clip to keep your OEM Leather Flip Case closed

Use this Spigen Magnetic Clip to keep your OEM Leather Flip Case closed

You may recall, back in December, I reviewed the OEM Leather Flip case for the BlackBerry Passport. It was not a case I was going to use again as I wasn't happy with it. The case was made with good quality but it was just a bit stiff that it didn't close properly and that was my main gripe. Even the fact that the case required you to stick it onto your Passport with adhesive didn't put me off. It was just that it didn't close. I tried to loosen it up. It helped to close it a bit further but if I opened the flip all the way to the back, to use the device, then it would just make it sit more open again.

Some people in the comments had more luck trying to soften the leather and it fully closed for some. Not to be defeated by a case, I came across this accessory via the CrackBerry Forums -- Spigen Magnetic Clip. Advertised by Spigen as made for the Samsung S View cases, a forum member tried it out anyway and seemed to have luck with it, so I decided to give it a try.

The Spigen magnectic clip set comes in two parts. It does require you to stick one part to the side of your phone. The other piece slips onto the front flip. When installing, it's best to start with that piece. Position it where you want on the side of the front flip, then peel off the sticker cover on the other piece, attached it to the first piece to line it up and then press it down into place. You can watch the video below for a clearer picture of the process.

The magnet clip works well. I can finally close the front flip. The piece that is stuck on the side of the Passport looks odd in the beginning but you get used to it being there. At least I have and it doesn't bother me.

The Good
  • Allows you to keep your BlackBerry Passport leather flip case closed
The Bad
  • Requires you to stick a piece to your BlackBerry smartphone
  • Sticker piece collects a bit of dust
The bottom line

It may not be for everyone but I am quite happy with it. I get to use the official leather flip case with the BlackBerry logo on it and it now closes. Of course, the usual gripes of a flip case will still be there. When you flip the front cover over to the back, it doesn't sit flush like the Stilgut leather flip case does, so it feels a bit awkward to use as I said in my review. Since it's something you're going to have to stick onto you're device, I would only recommend it if you're going to keep the case on long term. The sticker tape will wear off if you keep removing it, though Spigen have included 5 double-sided tape pieces in the box.

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