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Wednesday 2 July 2014


"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe." Proverbs 29:25 NIV
Thoughts for Today

We all like to feel safe and secure. But sometimes that's difficult to do in today's world. Everything is changing. The economy. Politics. Values.

We may try to find financial security through an investment, a retirement fund, a good job. But then the company goes bankrupt or downsizes. The job disappears.

We may depend on other people's praise and respect to help us feel good about ourselves. Then we are devastated when their praises aren't there.

Or perhaps we just know we can always depend on a certain person for help when we need it . . . and then they won't or can't help us.

We cannot find real lasting security in anything the world has to offer. Looking to people for our security doesn't work. But God promises if we will trust in him, he will keep us safe.

Consider this ...

Who are you trusting to keep you safe and secure? Your career? Other people? Your own abilities? Your reputation? God may work through any of these channels to provide for your security - but ultimately that security rests in him. Only God never changes. Only Jesus can provide the peace of knowing we are safe in his love. He has promised he will provide for all our needs.

Trust in Jesus in every area of your life. You will never be disappointed. "Whoever trusts in the Lord will be safe."
Lord, forgive me for trusting people and things and even myself for my security. I know I can only be truly safe by trusting in Jesus. Thank you for the security of knowing that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In his name . . .
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