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Sunday, 13 April 2014

The Heartbleed bug: what is it and how to protect your site?

Date: Wed, Apr 16, 2014
Time: 10:00 AM PDT
Duration: 30 minutes
Host(s): Eli Staykova

Presenter Information
Nick Sullivan - systems engineer

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Meeting Description:

An encryption flaw, called the Heartbleed bug, is already referred to as one of the biggest security threats on the Internet. The flaw, announced on April 7th, allows an attacker to pull bits of data from a server and potentially access sensitive information.
How did the Heartbleed bug happen? How does it affect your website? What can you do protect yourself?
CloudFlare security engineer Nick Sullivan will answer these and more questions this coming Wednesday at 10am PT. Nick has worked in web encryption and cryptography at Apple and now focuses on building secure systems at CloudFlare. He blogs on security at and can be reached on Twitter at @grittygrease. 
A recording will be made available on for those who can't join us live.

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