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Sunday, 27 April 2014

How to type symbols and letters with accent marks

Ever wondered how to type that Trademark ™ symbol? What about characters from other languages, like Latin?

You may not know it, but there's a whole slew of symbols and characters that you can type out just by using the keyboard in front of you. No special software is required.

Every character and alphabet incorporates Unicode, a universal character set that can be expressed in most word processors. Unicode has tons of uses for programming purposes, but it's essentially a giant list of characters. It allows you to type things like the Cyrillic alphabet using your standard keyboard, for example. If you're interested in exploring Unicode, check out the Unicode character table.

Here's our guide on how to type out symbols and accented letters, whether you use Windows or Mac OS X. Also, check out our picks for the best Windows keyboard shortcuts, the best Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts, and the best free Microsoft Office alternatives. But first, a note.

Skip ahead to how to type symbols and letter in Mac OS X

Important note: If you're using Windows and you have a keyboard with a full number pad, you can only execute these keyboard shortcuts if you use the number keys on your number pad. Using the number keys directly located below the row of F-keys will not work, which we discovered during independent testing.

If you have a keyboard without a number pad, you can use the On Screen Keyboard in Windows to perform these tasks. To find the "OSK" in Windows 8, roll your cursor over to the upper right corner of the screen to activate the Charms menu. Then, click "Search," and enter "OSK." Then, click "On-Screen Keyboard" when it appears in the search results.

If you're using Windows 7, click the Start menu and enter "OSK" into the search field at the bottom of the menu. Then, click "On-Screen Keyboard" to open it when it appears. 

The OSK provides you with a virtual keyboard and number pad. If you don't see  the number pad when OSK opens, click on "options" (this is located to the right of the right Alt key), then check the box labeled, "turn on numeric key pad."

How to type symbols in Windows

Your Windows PC has many alt-key shortcuts programmed into it that are pretty easy to type out. These alt-key shortcuts will produce symbols when typed into your word processor, regardless of whether you use Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and more.

Step 1: Open your word processor and locate either alt key on your keyboard. Typically, the alt keys are located on either side of your spacebar.


Step 2: Then, scan the lists below for the symbol you want to type out.




alt + 1☺
alt + 2☻
alt + 3♥


alt + 0169©
alt + 0153™
alt + 0174®


Alt + 35#
Alt + 241±
alt + 0188¼
alt + 0189½
alt + 0190¾
alt + 0247÷
alt + 60<
alt + 62>
alt + 242≥
alt + 243≤
Uppercase Accented Letters         


alt + 0192À
alt + 0193Á
alt + 0194Â
alt + 0195Ã
alt + 0196Ä
alt + 0199Ç
alt + 0200È
alt + 0201É
alt + 0202Ê
alt + 0203Ë
alt + 0204Ì
alt + 0205Í
alt + 0206ú
alt + 0207û
alt + 165Ñ
alt + 0210 Ò
alt + 0211Ó
alt + 0212Ô
alt + 0213Õ
alt + 0214Ö
alt + 0217Ù 
alt + 0218Ú 
alt + 0219Û 
alt + 0220Ü 
alt + 0221Ý 
alt + 0159Ÿ 
alt + 0142Ž 
 Lowercase Accented letters        


alt + 0224à
alt + 0225á
alt + 0226â
alt + 0227ã
alt + 0228ä
alt + 0229å
alt + 0230æ
alt + 0231ç
alt + 0232è
alt + 0233é
alt + 0234ê
alt + 0235

alt + 0236ì
alt + 0237í
alt + 0238î
alt + 0239ï
alt + 164ñ
alt + 0242ò
alt + 0243ó
alt + 0244ô
alt + 0245õ
alt + 0246ö
alt + 0154š
alt + 0249ù
alt + 151ù
alt + 150û
alt + 0252ü
alt + 0253ý
alt + 0255ÿ
alt + 0158ž



alt + 0164¤
alt + 155¢
alt + 156£
alt + 157¥
alt + 158 ₧
alt + 159ƒ

Step 3: Make sure the cursor is located in the place where you want to insert the symbol of your choice. Then, simply enter its corresponding keyboard shortcut. For instance, holding the alt key and pressing the 1 on your numpad will insert a smiley face (☺) in your copy.

Typing symbols using the Character Map (Windows)

Character Map is installed onto every Microsoft Operating system. It allows you to copy and paste accented letters and symbols into documents, whether you use Word, WordPad, Google Docs, or another program.

Step 1: Roll your cursor over the right side of the screen to activate the Windows 8 search menu. Click "Search," then enter "character map" into your desktop search field. Then, click it to open the application. If you're using Windows 7, click the Start menu and enter "character map" into the search field at the bottom of the resulting menu. Then, click it to open the app when it appears in the search results.

Step 2: Once opened, you'll see a list of characters. Scroll through the list until you locate your desired symbol or letter. Once found, click the Select button next to the text field. Your selected symbol or letter will then appear in the text field labeled "Characters to copy."

Step 3 (optional): To further organize symbols by language, check the box directly to the left of "Advanced view" in the bottom-left corner of the window. Afterward, select your desired language from the drop-down menu next to "Group by," and select your desired symbol.

Step 4: Click Copy, then paste them in their respective
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