Doesn't this sound like the words of a looser? Just asking!
Rihanna's ex accountant insist her lawsuit against him be dismissed
Peter Gounis calls Rihanna a 'financially impaired moron'
Rihanna's ex accountant Peter Gounis is calling the singer all sorts of names like "a financially impaired moron" after a scandalous legal battle over $9 million last month. He says, "Was it really necessary to tell her that if you spend money for things you will end up with the things, and not the money?"
We previously reported that the Bajan beauty won the case against the accountant and walked away with a whooping $10 million. Both landed in court, mid February 2014, over claims that the accountant gave the singer bad financial advice years ago which led to her bankruptcy in 2009.
Accountant Peter Gounis filed the response to RiRi's lawsuit early this week, insisting he was hired to record and manage her financial accounts NOT give her rudimentary spending advice.
Gounis claims the Rude Boy blew through millions of her own money by going on endless shopping sprees - buying roomfuls of designer shoes, clothes, and jewelry - and throwing extravagant parties for herself. He also claims she bailed on an expensive tour to shoot "Battleship," which turned out to be a massive failure.
Gounis insists he never directed Rih to buy a dilapidated house despite Rihanna's accusations of getting a rotten building she had to use extra millions to repair – she finally sold at a loss months later.
Even ignoring all that, Gounis wants Rihanna's lawsuit thrown out. Do you guys agree?
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» Rihanna Is A Financially Impaired Moron – Ex Accountant Blasts
Rihanna Is A Financially Impaired Moron – Ex Accountant Blasts
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