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Saturday 15 March 2014


"Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker Jessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hundred. I Pet. 3:7.

Wife battering is becoming a common occurrence in the society today, Men that suppose to be a protector of their wives are shamelessly maltreating these women contrary to the word of God.

If you must demonstrate your boxing skill mister, go to the gym your wife is not a punching bag put your lower and upper cut on hold.

Men beat their wives for many reasons, some say they are proud, stubborn and contentious, I perfectly agree that some women may be difficult, but mature men knows how to handle them and put them where they belong while an immature and baby husbands will add salt to injury at home by turning the home into a boxing ring.

You are not permitted to kick your wife you are only authorized to KISS her. Wife battering is not a civilize thing, it does not glorify God, it is not a good example for your children, it is not good for your wife's health and it did not show that you are a discipline and a gentle man.

Are you not ashamed of your self when you remove your shirt to fight a woman? It is dirty, it is unholy, it is unrighteous.

Some men do claim that the woman provoke them to anger that is why you beat, but when bus conductor provoked you, inside the bus you did not fight, why, because you know that the muscular bus conductor will beat you up if you try any "nonsense".

Do you know that it is only a beast that beat his wife, Godly men, real men, mature men, men with integrity don't do it, wonder how you see yourself after the "boxing bout", a champion? Foul! You are not every wife beater is a loser; every wife' kisser' is a real man. Never go into your marriage with boxing GLOVE go with LOVE use your hands to pamper your wife, not to beat her, dress her, and keep her never disgrace and beat her. 'Women are like dogs, if you beat a dog it will bite you, if you pet it, it will play and even defend you. If you want the best from your wife use the weapon of LOVE not a GLOVE, embrace your wife, never embarrass her..

You will give account to God how your handle his daughter that He committed into your hands, appreciate God by taking good care of her. Do yourself a favour love your wife, if you fail to give her peace, you can never have peace either, if you fail to give her rest, you are putting your life under arrest you can only get the best from her by loving her and caring for her, your wife is your portion (Eccl 9:9) handle her with love, handle her with care. NEVER KICK YOUR WIFE PLEASE KISS HER.

Bisi adewale is an international conference speaker on marriage and family life, the author of these best selling books: Secrets of an Irresistible Wife , Hot and Sizzling Marriage, 20 Highways to a successful  Marriage, Before you say I Do, and more than 60 other best selling books on marriage and family life.

He is the president of Family Booster Ministry and College of Marital Success (CMS) (Africa's Premier Marriage Institute), Host of Family Booster Moments on TV, watched in many countries across the globe.

Bisi Adewale also hosts the popular Lagos Couples' Conference and breakthrough for singles' summit
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