A group of CANNIBALS who use dead bodies as beds are growing as people flock to join the bizarre order.
The Aghori cannibals who live by the Ganges River in northern India also smear themselves with the ash from cremated bodies and drink
from skulls.
The group are feared by locals despite only eating the flesh of people who are already dead.
Intrepid Irish photographer Darragh Mason, 37, spent time with the group who are growing despite practicing celibacy.
Darragh said:
"They are known to pull bodies from the Ganges and eat them.
"Skulls and other human bones are taken from the cremation grounds and used for ritual purposes. They
believe that power comes from the dead.
"At one point they tried to get me to drink water from the Ganges out of a human skull but around two metres upstream they were cremating
bodies so I just couldn't the river is teaming with disease anyway."
Darragh said people were
'attracted' to the extreme sect's way of life.
He said: "There was an American gentleman who lived with the group for sometime. Amazingly people are really attracted to this way of
"They actively try to be thought of as the lowest in society which is why they do not dress well and their hair is often matted."
Despite their terrifying reputation the Aghori are charitable and have set up a leper colony where they have cared for and cured 99,045 patients with full leprosy and 147,503 with partial leprosy.
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Tuesday, 11 March 2014
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» DISCOVERING: Meet The Bizarre CANNIBAL Cult Who Drink From Skulls And Use Dead Bodies as BEDS
DISCOVERING: Meet The Bizarre CANNIBAL Cult Who Drink From Skulls And Use Dead Bodies as BEDS
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