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Friday, 14 February 2014

Terrible Tyrese And Ex Wife In Nasty Custody Battle

This is just a nightmare for many still-married couples

yrese and ex wife Norma fight over custody battle of daughter

Tyrese and Norma share custody of 6year old Shayla

Tyrese Gibson says his ex, Norma Gibson, needs to be locked up in jail for denying him access to their daughter. The singer has filed a legal document to that effect yesterday.

According to gossipe site TMZ, "cops came to Norma Gibson's home Tuesday night over Tyrese's right to take their 6-year-old daughter away for a visit.  The cops reportedly talked to a very upset Tyrese and left.  Tyrese lalso left but without his daughter."

Reports claim he's now filed a formal motion with the court to hold Norma in contempt for violating their custody order.  In the legal document obtained yesterday, Tyrese quotes from the custody order, which seems pretty clear,

"[Tyrese] shall have custody of Shayla every Tuesday with pick-up from school, and if no school, pick-up from [Norma's] residence at 10:00 a.m."
What's most interesting is that the singer showed up Tuesday NIGHT and not at 10 AM as the same court order says. so why should his ex give out the kid again?
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