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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Protect Your Mobile And Save Money

Protecting Your Mobile From Accidents

As a nation we love technology and gadgets and in particular we love our mobile phones. We will stand in queues for hours (some of us for days even!) to get the latest models. We spend money on accessories and nifty little add-ons for our phones. In the UK over 40 million of us have a mobile phone and a large number of us couldn't live without our mobile. So what do you do if your phone breaks or gets damaged. Well you have to buy a new one and that means you are looking at spending upwards of £300 for the latest must have phones. So how do we go about that stopping this from happening? A lot of people buy cases for their phones but this will only stop superficial damage to your phone. What if you could get comprehensive mobile phone insurance for less than you are paying for your cases? Well thanks to Protect Your Bubble you can.

When you purchase your phone you are often offered insurance by the phone provider. This is overpriced and doesn't actually offer much cover. Protect Your Bubble can offer you insurance deals for as low as £1.49 per month. Your phone will be covered for accidental and liquid damage, theft and loss of the phone. When you consider the cost of a new phone £1.50 a month is an absolute steal. Protect Your Bubble offer a range of insurance policies so you can find the best way to protect your mobile for a low price. It is not just mobiles that you can insurance as well. They will cover tablets, laptops, cameras and more. You can also get a single policy that covers all your gadgets. On top of all this they are offering a new Family Gadget Insurance where the whole family can be covered by one policy. You have probably seen tennis legend John McEnroe on your television promoting it.

The Peace of Mind From Being Covered

UK Evening News has been regularly contacted by many of our readers telling us what a great service Protect Your Bubble offers. Tanya Lee is a student at University of Kent in Canterbury. She had spent 2 years saving up to get a new iPhone and on a night out she thought she had lost it. "The feeling I had when I couldn't find my phone was horrible. I felt sick to my stomach, it cost me so much money and I love it, the thought of losing it was terrible. Luckily I found it but the next day I went straight to Protect Your Bubble and got my phone covered. Now on a night out I can relax and not be worrying about my phone." John Sanders took out a policy with Protect Your Bubble as soon as he brought his new android phone and quickly saw the value in it. "I am forever damaging and losing my phone but I have to have the latest phone going. I've wasted so much money on buying new phones so I got this one covered. Two months later I had dropped it down the toilet and ruined it. I was covered so this time it was not a £300 mistake. Protect Your Bubble is the best."

It is quick and easy to find and sign up to the policy that is best for you and the low cost means that should your phone meet an accident or gets stolen or lost you have the peace of mind to know it is covered. In the long term you will be saving hundreds of pounds.
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