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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Health Tip: New Mom, Protect Your Back

Resume exercise while newborn sleeps.

A new baby can put a strain on mom's back, sometimes leading to injury and pain.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests how new moms can prevent a sore back:

* Resume exercising as soon as is safe after delivering baby.

* While baby naps, stretch for 10 * minutes to help strengthen the abdominals and back muscles.

* Aim for your pre-pregnancy weight about six weeks after giving birth.

* When lifting baby, hold the infant close to your chest as you lift, and don't twist your body. Squat, bend knees and lift with your legs to lift baby from the floor.

* When getting baby in and out of the high chair, remove the tray first.
Carry baby in a baby carrier strapped to the front of you, rather than on your hip.

* Nurse baby in an upright chair and bring baby to your breast, rather than bending forward.

* When putting baby in a car seat, kneel on the back seat, rather than bending from outside the car.
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