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Saturday, 1 March 2014

Leonardo DiCaprio Favored To Win The Oscar For Best Actor

It seems like Leonardo DiCaprio just can't catch a break. He has been in some amazing movies over the last decade, gathering four Academy Award nominations. Sadly despite the nominations he never won for any role he had, despite how legendary some have grown to be.

That all could change this year however, as Leonardo could finally win for "The Wolf of Wall Street". He is nominated in the Best Actor category, making it the fifth Oscar nomination for him. While the Academy decides who wins and loses, the Internet seems to be more than willing to tell the Academy who they should pick.

Google analysis shows that Leo has a huge following for people searching him as well as talking about him winning the Oscar. A large portion feel that he deserves the win after being nominated so many times for big roles, yet losing despite deserving the win in some eyes. His performance in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" is still highly regarded and Leo was only a kid when he did the role.

Basically the analysis is looking at trends from what's most popular to who. Many feel it's a good indication of the final results of the show, however it is not a proven formula. Usually one can tell this when it comes to the Golden Globes, but the Oscars are a completely different animal.

Leonardo, Jonah Hill, and the entire cast of The Wolf of Wall Street did terrifically.

Wolf was beloved by critics and even made it's way into the Best Picture category, as Leo did for Best Actor. The issue is that the competition for both categories is by no means light.

Wolf has to face off with big movies such as:

-American Hustle
-Captain Phillips
-Dallas Buyers Club
-12 Years a Slave

Most feel that Wolf does not have a chance to win Best Picture, but being nominated was well deserved. The issue facing the Best Picture nod is that there are others movies that were considered superior.

Leonardo does not have as much of an issue as his picture does, yet he does have some stiff competition of his own to worry about. Here are his co-nominees:

-Christian Bale (American Hustle)
-Bruce Dern (Nebraska)
-Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave)
-Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyers Club)

American Hustle has been getting a lot of love by critics and may have a huge night at the Oscars. This could be a win for Christian Bale according to several theorists. Ejiofor's first nomination was a huge one for 12 Years a Slave. The Oscars love political statements, and really there wasn't a better movie this year when it came to the sociological/anthropological issues we face of have faced like "12 Years a Slave". It took a good look at issues that African American people saw for decades and performances were tremendous in the movie.

That being said, Ejiofor could very well "steal" the Oscar from Leo. Many feel that Leo is due, especially after yet another strong performance. The thing is, despite all data that might have been collected by people involved in the Internet base, they are not the Academy. They make the final call and will not be influenced by the Internet crowd.

Leonardo DiCaprio may be worthy of his first Oscar and no one can deny he has been a brilliant actor in everything he was nominated in. Whether he wins at the 86th Annual Academy Awards is up in the air. He might be the favorite, but favorites don't always win, just look at the Grammy Awards..
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