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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Save £1,000's And Improve Your Health

The Growth In Popularity of E-Cigarettes

Throughout the country people are always looking for ways to save money or ways to improve their health. It is very rare that you can manage to do both with just one product but that is what thousands of smokers are managing to do each and every day. By making the switch over to E-cigarettes they are saving themselves thousands of pounds each year and also improving their general health.

Electronic cigarettes have taken the UK by storm. According to ASH, the Action on Smoking and Health, an estimated 700,000 people smoke e-cigarettes in the UK. Smokers are turning to e-cigarettes to help them beat their addiction, instead of the traditional methods such as nicotine patches, gum and simply going cold turkey. Next time you have to go outside into the cold and wet bear in mind that E-cigarettes aren't covered by the smoking ban so you can stay in the warm and puff away. Even the Government are trying to encourage smokers to switch to E-cigarettes. The Governments "nudge" unit, the Behaviour Insight Team, wants to encourage the use of E-cigarettes in the UK.

At the head of the E-cigarette revolution is ClearSmoke this electronic cigarette is a battery-powered device which provides smokers with inhaled doses of a vaporised nicotine solution that can be exhaled as part of harmless water vapour thus replaces the damaging habit of smoking traditional cigarettes.

Helping People Quit Smoking

Having spoken to lots of people who have switched from traditional cigarettes to ClearSmoke E-cigarettes I can see that there are plenty of benefits to making the switch. Not only are people saving up to £2,000 a year but they are also experience health and social benefits. Derek Randall is 46 and has been smoking for 30 years he couldn?t believe the money he had saved. "I smoked daily for 30 years and when I switched to ClearSmoke E-cigarette I managed to save over a thousand pounds in the first 6 months. If I had known that I would have switched a long time ago."

Sandra Jacobs had been trying to quit smoking for years and despite trying lots of different quitting techniques she was still smoking. "I've tried quitting using patches and gum and no luck, I've always gone back to smoking. Then my friend recommended ClearSmoke. I signed up to the free trial and haven't smoked since; it's been 3 months now. I'm over the moon!" Her sister Julie followed her example and was equally impressed with the switch. "It's easy to use and looks exactly like a traditional cigarette. Some smokers find it difficult to quit smoking as they miss something being in their hand. The beauty of ClearSmoke is that its appearance is that of a traditional cigarette, so there is a smooth transition from using traditional cigarettes to using ClearSmoke"

A Free Trial With ClearSmoke

The further I looked into the benefits of ClearSmoke the more impressed I became. Not only is there the huge savings on money that switchers found but lots of physical benefits as well. ClearSmoke users have been able to eliminate the following smoking symptoms, yellow teeth, bad breath, hacking cough, stained fingers and difficulty breathing.

It's clear to see why the E-cigarette craze has continued to grow and grow and ClearSmoke is the leader of the pack today. So if you haven?t switched already you should be switching now.
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