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Saturday, 22 February 2014

How the UK are Getting the iPad 4 and Other Tech for Free

UK Evening News tells you how to get the latest products for free

At UK Evening News we have been reviewing the newest and best tech products for a long time now. Over this time our inbox has seen a recurring theme; how can we get these products at a price we can afford. Aware that our aim is to educate the world on the top technology products our Editor decided we needed to answer this question for the masses. So UK Evening News broke out our best Sherlock Holmes hat and magnifying glass and started to investigate.

We have reviewed plenty of fantastic products like the Samsung Galaxy 4 and the Apple iPad and we always factor in the value for money a product offers. A lot of the best new products are expensive for a reason; they are fantastic creations and are expensive to produce. So whilst we would all like the best products at low prices we didn't hold out much hope of finding them. Well it turns out we were very wrong. We didn't just find them at a low price, we found them for free at Product Testing.

Becoming a Product Tester

Product Testing is a site that selects product testers from their members and sends them some of the best and latest tech products and all you have to do in return is write a review of the product for the site. Yes we know what you are thinking "surely this is too good to be true". Well actually it turns out it is true. So how can Product Testing afford to send you these great products for free?

Product Testing are paid by manufactures for access to the reviews their testers write them. This kind of user feedback is vital to companies like Apple and Samsung and they not only aid with improvements for existing products they also help shape the design of future products. This is a rare win-win-win situation where you get to keep fantastic free products, Product Testing earns their money so they can buy more products to send out and the manufacturers gain vital market research.

The user reviews sit proudly on Product Testing and they are full of happy members who have been chosen to be product testers. You can see that Product Testing have given away Galaxy S4's, iPad's, Kindle Fire's, iPods and so much more. One look at the front page and you can see that they offer opportunities to test and keep great products like 3D TV's, MacBook Air's and some of the latest tablets.

Easy to Join

To join Product Testing you have to complete a lifestyle survey, it is important to answer this truthfully otherwise you may invalid your application to be a product tester. Then if you are a successful applicant you will be sent your chosen product to review and then keep.

UK Evening News set out to find out a way to get the latest new products we review for a low price. We were not expecting to have much luck and we were totally shocked and very impressed when we found that Product Testing was giving them away for free.
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