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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Mobile World Congress: Who's wearing wearable tech?

Samsung have launched their Gear Fit at the Mobile World Congress 2014
It's not just smartphones on show at the world's biggest mobile technology event in Barcelona.

If you can wear it, fit a battery in it and connect it to the internet, the chances are you'll find it here.

Fitness bands are everywhere, big manufacturers are pushing smart watches despite slow sales and there is a lot of experimental technology on display.

We found some people embracing the trend and asked them about their favourite wearable tech.

Wiebe Elsinga - Fitbit Flex and Google Glass

"I think it's going to be the future. The consumption of information is more important for us on a day to day basis.

"Wearing glass gives me more information and wearing the wrist band gives me a more relaxing way of knowing whether I'm healthy.

"At the end of the day I unplug. As a consumer money is a really important factor, it's the responsibility of the manufacturer to give us low prices on these devices."

Sebastian Cocsis - Sony Smartwatch

"I like my smartwatch because I like to see my notifications and messages on this because it's small and I have a big phone.

"During school I can't use my phone so the watch is a good product for me. It's waterproof, I go in the sea with it no problem.

"I think that smart watches are the future now - they are beautiful and very useful."

Alex Saltwater - Nike Fuelband

"It tracks my movement, counts calories and steps and can sync wirelessly to my mobile app.

"It's a nice reminder, I look at it every day and from time to time it gives me a goal and I can share it to my social network so it's fun to use as well.

"I think it just has to find how it can be useful in people's lives.

"As the price comes down and people feel like it gives them some value, I think wearable technology will become more common."

Johannes Lundberg - Mirama smart glass operating system

"Our goal is to replace the smartphone with smart glasses. So whatever you can do with your smart phone and more, that's our goal.

"This is our prototype. Our unique feature is that it's gesture controlled. You use your hands to interact with virtual objects.

"They are big now, but the technology is accelerating in this field so within a couple of years it'll be much smaller and much.
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