The #HoldACokeWithYourBoobsChallenge encourages women - and sometimes men - to post photos online with a soft drink held in their cleavage, with many images showing mainly topless women barely covering their nipples - all in the name of supposedly raising money for breast cancer.
However, it has now been revealed the Las Vegas-based adult entertainment scout who started the #HoldACokeWithYourBoobsChallenge did not intend to raise money for charity but to make fun of similar challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Many women taking on the new challengehave opted to simply cover their bare breasts with nipple tassels, their hands, hair or tape.
People have been posting their images to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in the belief the challenge is to raise money for breast cancer charities but adult entertainment scout Danny Frost and glamour model Gemma Jaxx have admitted to starting the hashtag as a joke.
And the Breast Cancer Research Foundation said the challenge is not raising money for them and has no connection to their charity - but would happily receive donations if donations do start coming in from the challenge.
However, it has now been revealed the Las Vegas-based adult entertainment scout who started the #HoldACokeWithYourBoobsChallenge did not intend to raise money for charity but to make fun of similar challenges such as the Ice Bucket Challenge.
People have been posting their images to Twitter, Instagram and Facebook in the belief the challenge is to raise money for breast cancer charities but adult entertainment scout Danny Frost and glamour model Gemma Jaxx have admitted to starting the hashtag as a joke.
And the Breast Cancer Research Foundation said the challenge is not raising money for them and has no connection to their charity - but would happily receive donations if donations do start coming in from the challenge.
Source: Twitter/ExpressUK
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