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Sunday, 3 May 2015

#TOPNEWS Protect your phone from getting lost with Phone Finder, now available in the Beta Zone

Phone Finder

By Bla1ze

Although every BlackBerry 10 smartphone comes loaded with BlackBerry Protect, which is designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone and keep the information on it safe & secure, there's nothing wrong with adding an additional layer of security to the mix as well. Built on the foundation of the previously released Where's My Phone app, Nemory Studios has now released Phone Finder to the BlackBerry Beta Zone and it aims to be that additional layer.

Whether it's lost at home, at work or anywhere else. Just a simple SMS, Email and you can command Phone Finder to help you locate your lost phone. It will give you so much detailed information such as direct URL to locate your phone in a map with directions, battery, SD Card, and cellular Information.


  • Please treat this as beta
  • Trigger code in emails can be read in the subject only.
  • Existing Where's My Phone Users don't have to pay again.

To Do:

  • Auto Reply Detailed Reports to Sender (SMS & Email) Option
  • Override Notification Settings to Normal and Push 5 Notifications with Sound (like a Sound Alarm)
  • Check Required Permissions
  • Free Trial Version
  • Security Password Lock Option
  • Dark Theme Option
  • Auto Wipe Specific Folders Option

How does this differentiate from BlackBerry Protect?

  • It does not require internet (via SMS Triggers)
  • It doesn't require a Website that require's Internet
  • It doesn't require BlackBerry ID Authentication
  • Gives you more detailed reports from your phone.

If you're looking to give it a go and help through the beta testing stages, all you have to do is open up the BlackBerry Beta Zone app on your device and you'll see Phone Finder listed. From there, you can join the beta and download the app. Just remember, it is a beta so be sure to provide some solid feedback if you're taking part. You can check out some screenshots of Phone Finder in action.‎


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