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Saturday, 2 May 2015

#APPNEWS BlackBerry App Roundup for May 1, 2015

By Alicia Erlich

Howdy CrackBerry nation! Not only is it the end of a busy week, but it is also the first day of a brand new month. This week we sawJohn Chen hint at a new app strategy as well as discuss new product launches. In addition, BlackBerry won the Corporate Branding Campaign of the Year Award.Finally, be sure to take advantage of theShopCrackBerry spring sale to receive 20% off by entering the code SPRING15 at checkout.

Now it's time to bring you this week's picks for all your passionate BlackBerry addicts out there. You can find each app and game I've rustled up for you by clicking through the gallery below. If your favorite did not make the cut this week, remember you can help by offering your suggestions at the end.

Rain - Hyperlocal Weather Forecasts by Bellshare GmbH

First up, this week is from a developer we are all familiar with. If you are ever looking to see what the weather is outside, there isBeWeather 10 Pro. Fresh out of beta is their latest offering called Rain. With only a quick glance, this application will let you know when it will rain up to an hour in advance. It comes with a variety of features in including the ability to provide minute-to-minute rain predictions for the next 60 minutes, as well as detailed forecasts for the following day and week, push notifications (it will send one just before it starts raining in your location), and it offers a pleasant and beautiful interface with which to display your weather. All of the information you need throughout the day will be shown on a single screen. There is even an option to switch from a light to a dark theme. However, please note that the 60-minute rain forecasts and notifications are only available in the US, UK, and Ireland. All other areas will receive basic hourly and weekly forecasts. You can find Rain for $4.99 in BlackBerry World. It is compatible with all BlackBerry 10 though not those running OS 10.2.1.

Learn More / Purchase Rain

MIXPlorer by Anzor Bashkhaz

MIXPlorer, powered by Mixcloud, allows you to find similar and compatible songs to create your next mix. Using the service, it allows users to look up popular mixes that contain the track they are searching for and to explore similar songs. All you have to do is input the name of the song or artist in the search bar, and a list of the popular mixes containing this track will be display. Once a song is found you have the option of finding it on YouTube or SoundCloud, repeating the process again, or adding to favorites. Under options, users have the ability to modify the number of results shown and the number of history entries to retain. This native application is free to download forBlackBerry 10 and comes with an easy to use and navigate interface.

Learn More / Download MIXplorer

ColorNote Notepad Notes by Social & Mobile, Inc.

For those who don't know me I am a firm believer in organized chaos. Technically, I try to keep my to-do lists in order and everything organized. In reality, it just means I know how to navigate the pile of paper and post-it notes to find what I need. As I am always willing to try any and every note-taking application available, I thought I would give this a try. Color Note is a simple notepad editing application to write notes, memos, emails, messages, shopping lists and more and sync across your devices. It organizes notes by color, gives the option to create checklists for to-dos and shopping lists, organize your schedule in the calendar (theirs, not the BlackBerry native app), password protect notes, option to backup or sync online by creating an account with Facebook or Google, as well as other features to organize and categorize your notes. ColorNote is a simple color-coded application that you can download for free in the Amazon Appstore. While calendar entries do not show up in the BlackBerry calendar, reminders and alerts do appear in the Hub.

How to install ColorNote Notepad Notes from the Amazon Appstore

Craftsy by Craftsy

Under normal circumstances, when I attempt to craft I wind up failing miserably. I mean that the item made looks nothing like what it is supposed to. I discovered Craftsy in theAmazon Appstore and thought I would take a look to see if there were any new hobbies or projects to pick up. The application allows you to explore and access hundreds of online classes in photography, cooking, cake decorating, drawing, quilting, sewing and more. While there are classes that are free other will require a purchase either through the app or on their website. Some of the classes can be expensive, but there are quite a few that are free or reasonably priced. For those who love crafts and want the flexibility of learning on their own time and at their own pace, you can download this for free.

How to install Craftsy from the Amazon Appstore

Bubble Pop DX by EntwicklerX

If you are looking for quick and easy game to pass the time there is nothing like the old bubble game. All you have to do is tap on two or more adjacent bubbles of the same color to break them. The more bubbles you break with a single tap, the more higher your score. These kinds of games are always simple but they are entertaining and give you a much needed break throughout the day. You can download this Android port in BlackBerry World for free. However, it is only compatible with the BlackBerry Z10Z3, and Z30.

Learn More / Download Bubble Pop DX

What You Might Have Missed

Work Wide v1.3 entering private beta next week

We all want to increase our productivity andWork Wide granted uses the ability to do just that. It allows your device to run two program simultaneously side by side. Originally coded for the Passport, the developers, Brian Scheirer and Olaf Hansonworked hard to bring it to the other BlackBerry 10 devices. While it is already a feature rich application, this week theyannounced that v1.3 will be in private beta next week with the release to follow after. Not only will this bring additional features but also an increase in the price from $2.99 to $3.99.

Learn More / Purchase Work Wide

Until next week...

That's it for this week folks. For more apps and games, be sure to head on over to theCrackBerry Forums where you will find even more hidden gems to choose from whether it be for BlackBerry 10, BBOS or the BlackBerry PlayBook. Of course, you can always find the latest and greatest top editor's picks in theCrackBerry App Gallery. Are there any apps or games you would like to see? Feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments.‎


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