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Thursday, 11 September 2014

LOVE NEWS: Tindafella Jarrod Allen dates woman he mocked on Tinder

If someone made fun of you online would you still go on a date with them?

What about if you were on Instagram and saw they'd recreated the photos you had put on your Tinder profile?

Tindafella - who achieved notoriety with parodies of the women he spots on the dating app - has now gone on a date with with one of the people he mocked.

Sophie Nelson, who was the girl drinking red wine using her foot, and Tindafella - real name Jarrod Allen - have now met up in person.

Speaking to Newsbeat about Jarrod, Sophie said: "He's great! He's really funny and easy going, a lot bigger than I expected!"

Their date was filmed for The Project, an Australian current affairs programme.

The pair, who both live in Sydney, also did the #redwinefootchallenge as part of their evening.

"He was terrible at it and got wine all through his beard," said Sophie.

Jarrod, a 25-year-old electrician, has said he has had numerous marriage proposals since his pictures went viral.

He has previously been accused of trolling the subjects of his parodies, but has said he has been glad most people seem to see "the funny side".

"There is no malice behind any of it. I'm just trying to make people laugh," he said.

"Of course there are going to be people who take things way to seriously and kick up a stink... but hey, haters gonna hate."

Sophie said she has received huge amounts of attention from around the world since the pictures went viral.

The 26-year-old, who is a student and works part-time in a funeral parlour, added: "I thought it was hilarious, the morning it went viral I woke up to 20 notifications.

"The first one said: 'I found a picture of you on the Internet!' I freaked. After seeing what it was I calmed down and saw the funny side," she told Newsbeat.

"I'm glad my picture was funny and not serious, or naked. Some of the other girls photos were a bit more serious, I'm not too sure if they saw the funny side."

She added: "As soon as I made that my profile picture on Tinder I got lots of matches, people really responded to my party trick."

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