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Saturday, 24 May 2014

‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’: Oh God, let’s talk about that ending (SPOILERS!) (ANALYSIS!) (FUTURE!) (PAST!) Updated

At the end of X-Men: The Last Stand, Professor X's body has been exploded, but his brain has jumped into the body of a brain-dead comatose man. In Days of Future Past's dark future, Professor X is alive and in his own body. How is this possible?
Maybe he's actually in the brain-dead guy's body, but he's projecting an image of himself into everyone's head, so it's less confusing?

But then why would he still be in a wheelchair?
It's comfortable?

What does this ending mean for X-Men: Apocalypse?
Bryan Singer told EW's Tim Stack that the next movie will be set in the 1980s. Presumably, after the events of Future Past, Professor X and Beast will begin building up a new team of X-Men. This team will probably include lots of new faces, because crazy as it sounds, there are still mutants that have not appeared in these movies. So Quicksilver is probably-definitely coming back, and Psylocke is maybe-possibly going to join, and Marrow is sadly-unfortunately probably not.

But Singer also established that he wants to bring in "familiar characters at different ages." Because the original X-trilogy has now been tweaked, that means that anyone is on the table. Singer himself has noted that he wants to bring in a younger version of Nightcrawler and Gambit — with a Channing Tatum-Gambit spinoff supposedly in the works for later this decade. So there is hope for Lupita Nyong'o as Young Storm, guys! More importantly, the "familiar characters" thing could imply that we'll eventually see Young Jean Grey — which could in turn mean that X-Men: The Dark Phoenix Saga could become an actual movie, and not a subplot inside of another movie.

Actually, it's worth pointing out that — although Future Past itself is carefully manicured to provide space for all ages of X-Men — the ending of Future Past doesn't obviously lead into any new story. Life, if Jennifer Lawrence doesn't want to come back, Mystique could disappear; if Apocalypse doesn't have room for two bad guys, Magneto doesn't need to appear; conversely, if they want to do a Magneto or a Mystique solo film, both characters are in the right place. Heck, if they wanted to, they could even come back around and do X-Men 4 and X-Men 5 with the original cast, something that longtime X-producer Lauren Shuler Donner promised three years ago, back in the bygone era when planning multiple franchise spinoffs half a decade in advance was madness and not the status quo.

But if Future Wolverine from the original Dark Future wakes up in the head of Future Wolverine from the Bright Future, doesn't that mean that there is a separate Wolverine Consciousness who suddenly gets wiped out of existence when the Original Wolverine Consciousness comes back to the Bright Future?

But if in the original timeline Mystique was captured by Trask's people, why didn't she spend the original trilogy trying to get back at the people who experimented on her?
I mean, there could be an explana-

And in the original timeline, how did Magneto escape from his Pentagon prison?
Could be that the Juggernaut-

And in the original timeline, did Professor X spend several more years bummed out on spine-growing power-ruining mutant heroin?
Maybe Mr. Sinist-

Now that everyone knows that Mystique has magic blood, doesn't her mere continued existence mean that some mad scientist somewhere and sometime could make the Dark Future happen? Since Wolverine has spent at least a decade mourning the death of Jean Grey, won't it be weird for him to see her alive again but with another man? Does Rogue still have her powers, or did she still get the mutant cure? Since Young Professor X read Wolverine's mind and saw the events of the future, including the lives of his students, doesn't this make him a terrifying puppet-master time lord who can never tell the people he loves that he knows all about them and has spent his life trying to prevent their dark future?
Hey, but, like, Blink was really cool!

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