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Thursday, 22 May 2014

Which Three People Is Selena Gomez Following On Instagram?

And check out this inspirational beach photo she posted.

Things have been pretty quiet on the Selena Gomez front lately, right? I mean, aside from the whole "attending the Met Gala" thing. C'mon, you know words are always relative when we're talking about famous people!

Anyway, the "Slow Down" chanteuse stopped her somewhat elusive streak by Instagramming a super-cute photo of herself wearing a bikini at the beach.

The inspirational caption paints a more revealing picture: "Taking my power back.. can't wait to show you where I've been. I love y'all. Ps, I still obsess over pickles."

Taking her power back? Yay! She's gonna let us know stuff soon? Can't wait! She loves us? STAHP! She still obsesses over pickles? Who doesn't?

Speaking of Instagram, remember when Selena recently unfollowed everyone she was following on Instagram? Neither Justin Bieber nor Taylor Swift were safe from the purge.

Well, the 21-year-old singer is now following three people on Instagram: her lifestyle brand Dream Out Loud, jewelry designer Lorraine Schwartz and Bishop T.D. Jakes.

It looks like Selena was particularly inspired by Bishop Jake's recent episode of "Oprah's Lifeclass," 'cause she also Instagrammed the following quote of his: "You can't be who you're going to be and who you used to be at the same time." I guess that doesn't apply to pickle obsessions.

Well, whatever's going on, I'm glad Sel's got her power back. She seems to be in a really good place, you know? #loveandlight

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