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Thursday, 8 May 2014

NYSC 2014: Programme Time-Table for Batch B 2014 Corps Members Is Out

Information reaching our news desk today, is that the progarmme time-table for the 2014 BATCH B Corps Members has been released by the National youth Service Corps authorities and the timetable is as follows:

1. Registration of Foreign
Nigerian Graduates.
14th April, 2014 – 11th July, 2014

2. Batch 'B' pre-Mobilization,
Deployment & Relocation Officers'
Workshop.6th – 9th May, 2014

3. Submission of Masterlist by the following:
Corps Producing Institution/
Screening/Vetting by Mob. officers
2nd – 7th June, 2014

4. Delivery of Print-outs to CPIs
16th – 18th June, 2014

5. Return of Corrected Printouts by Institutions to Mobilization,
Dept.25th – 27th June, 2014

6. Briefing of Final year Students/Prospective Corps members in CPIs.
7th – 11th July, 2014

7. Delivery of Call-up letters to CPIs.
28th – 31st July, 2014

8. 2014 Batch 'B' Orientation
Programmes 5th – 26th August
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