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Friday, 9 May 2014

Mila Kunis Was Pregnant and Engaged Long Before We Thought

Mila Kunis is finally ready to talk about the elephant in the room baby in the womb.

Appearing on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" for its Mother's Day-themed special on Friday, Kunis finally dished about her baby on the way with fiancé Ashton Kutcher.

"We were actually able to hide it for a very long time, yeah it's amazing," Kunis told DeGeneres.

Kunis, whose growing bump was partially concealed by a loose-fitting white dress, kept coy on exactly how long the couple has been keeping their bundle of joy-to-be under wraps and when he or she will be making their debut. "Some time this year," she said vaguely of the due date. "I promise you, it will be this year."

The 30-year-old "Family Guy" star was confirmed to be expecting in late March, just a month after her engagement to the 36-year-old "Two and a Half Men" actor was announced.

While Kunis also would not spill the baby's gender – though she said she does already know and have a name picked out – she did open up about all of her pesky pregnancy cravings and how her future hubby has been handling it all.

"I'm very stereotypical," she said of her food moods. "I eat sauerkraut all day long. … This is the worst craving to have because sauerkraut smells and so every time you open up a jar it just reeks in the whole kitchen. It's not like ice cream where everything smells lovely."

Kunis said she's been craving mostly "vinegar-based food," and when DeGeneres teased that her food mood might indicate it's a boy, she just said, "Interesting. Okay."

In addition to filling their secondary refrigerator with an array of "weird foods" to anticipate Mila's cravings, Ashton is trying to learn Russian so that he can participate in speaking to their child in Kunis's native tongue.

[Related: A Look Back at Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher's Love Story]

"He's been taking [Russian] classes for probably like six months now," she explained. "He does it twice a week. A woman comes to the house to give him lessons ... it's really, really great."

When DeGeneres asked her where she's planning to deliver, Kunis said that she'll be going "all-natural" but will also opt for a hospital stay.

"I'm gonna do it as all natural as I possibly can unless there's an emergency or something that should wrong," Kunis said.

Even so, she does not plan to have an epidural for the pain. "I know, I'm crazy. I mean, I did this to myself I might as well do it right," she said. "I wanted this. It's not like no one made me do this."

Of course, she did have a little help from her long-time beau, whom she's known since the late '90s thanks to their turn as onscreen teen lovers for the hit TV series "That '70s Show." The two got together with after he split from Demi Moore – the divorce was finalized in November 2013 – and kept a relatively low profile until earlier this year, when they confirmed their engagement.

According to Kunis, however, the couple was betrothed much longer than the public ever knew.

"We were able to keep this private for two months," she said of their engagement, which was confirmed in March. "Two months without anybody knowing. … It was amazing."

Kunis, who was nominated for a Golden Globe for her performance in Darren Arnofsky's "Black Swan," will next be seen in "Jupiter Ascending," due in theaters July 18.

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