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Monday, 12 May 2014

Kim Kardashian Blasts In Touch Mag For Lying

Tabloid Backlash She deals with plenty of gossip every day, but Kim Kardashian couldn't let the latest blasphemy slide

Kimye Wedding to hold this month in Paris

InTouch Weekly Calls Kimye nuptials: Wedding From Hell

Kim Kardashian is slamming a famous celebrity gossip magazine for calling her forthcoming nuptials, "A Wedding From Hell" and also for putting fake pictures on their cover showing her struggling to fit into a wedding dress.

In a blog post titled "Not What it Seems," the 33-year-old reality star sounded off against a bogus In Touch cover that uses a fake photos. She lashes back against the publications for trying to trick readers with a "photo recreation" of a model pretending to be her.

"It's pretty unbelievable what people will do to sell a magazine," Kim K writes. "This picture says in really small print that it's a 'Photo Recreation.' It's not a real photo of me, but they're implying that it is… Super lame!!"

Well, Kim K we are surprised you didn't know this about some media brands. So when is your wedding gown appearing on twitter?


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