Wu-Tang clan member Andre Johnson was on a death mission as he jumped 2 storeys!
Andre Johnson cuts off his penis and jumps off a balcony to commit suicide
A US rapper, Andre Johnson reportedly cut off his penis and jumped 2 floors in an attempt to kill himself but (un)fortunately, he was found, still breathing, on the sidewalk outside an apartment building in West Hollywood before taken to the hospital.
Andre, affiliated to the Wu-Tang group is believed to be mentally unstable. His friends and members of Northstar music group who witnessed the incident, told gossip site TMZ that,
«"He actually cut off his penis and leaped off the balcony. By the time we got downstairs, he was running around screaming."
The group however confirmed the struggling rapper was not high on drugs.
Recent reports say Andre is currently in the hospital and even though doctors may not be able to fix his detached penis, he is in stable condition.
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Saturday, 19 April 2014
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» US Rapper Cuts Off His Penis In Suicide Attempt!
US Rapper Cuts Off His Penis In Suicide Attempt!
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