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Wednesday, 9 April 2014

PMQs and Miller resignation

Maria Miller resigns as culture secretary saying the row over her expenses has become a "distraction"
The resignation is set to dominate prime minister's questions in the Commons at 12 mid-day.

Mrs Miller was cleared of funding a home for her parents at taxpayers' expense, but was told to repay £5,800
The independent parliamentary commissioner for standards previously recommended she repay £45,000 and criticised her "attitude" to the inquiry
In a written reply to Mrs Miller's resignation, the PM said he hoped she would be able to return to cabinet "in due course".

Bromsgrove MP Sajid Javid replaces Mrs Miller and is in turn replaced at the Treasury by Nicky Morgan - Ms Morgan also becomes minister for women.

Live text
Reporting:Sean Clare Anna Browning Justin Parkinson 
TWEET ITV deputy political editor Chris Ship

tweets: Not sure Cameron handled that very well. But EdMili had an open goal - and I don't think he hit the back of the net #pmqs

Labour's front bench unimpressed by the prime minister's answers

Conservative Jason McCartney says he is running the London Marathon, as is shadow chancellor Ed Balls. The PM jokes that he saw a newspaper picture of Mr Balls "in a curious pair of black leggings". He wishes all Sunday's runners - even his Labour nemesis - good luck.

TWEET Independent on Sunday columnist John Rentoul
tweets: EdM good at #PMQs today. Cam promised to be an apostle for better standards, became apologist for unacceptable behaviour.

And: But Cam better. Firing someone at the first sign of trouble is not leadership it's weakness.

Alliance MP Naomi Long calls for a shared vision of the future among Northern Ireland's politicians. David Cameron says the sight of Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness at Tuesday's Windsor banquet was a sign of progress.

TWEET Political journalist Iain Martin
tweets: "Westminster crisis bingo. Full house as Cam accuses Mili E of "playing politics" over Maria Miller. #pmqs

Conservative MP James Morris says investing in apprenticeships is vital for the economy. So does David Cameron.

The prime minister is flanked by two of the remaining women cabinet ministers and his new Culture Secretary Sajid Javid
Conservative MP Rehman Chishti urges the PM to discuss reform of Pakistan's blasphemy laws when Pakistan's PM comes to the UK later this month. Mr Cameron promises to do so.

TWEET Editor of Ian Dunt
tweets: Snap verdict: Cameron 2 Miliband 1. Labour leader over-enthusiastic. The opportunities offered him by Maria Miller have been wasted #PMQs

Labour's Andy Slaughter asks if any member of the government asked Maria Miller to resign. The PM says it is his policy to let people get on with their jobs
SDLP MP Alasdair McDonnell says UK-Irish relations, with the visit of Irish President Michael D Higgins, have never been better. He urges more progress on peace in Northern Ireland. David Cameron agrees on both counts.

Speaker Bercow steps in to silence groans from MPs as Lib Dem President Tim Farron gets up to ask a question, as the debate moves on from Maria Miller.

TWEET Daily Mirror associate editor Kevin Maguire
tweets: Cameron accusing Miliband of playing politics over Miller takes the biscuit. Both do that every day

TWEET The Spectator's Isabel Hardman
tweets: Another agonised ROAR from Bercow to silence shouting MPs. #pmqs

David Cameron says it is not leadership but weakness to sack someone at "the first time of trouble". That ends the confrontation between the PM and the Labour leader.

Ed Miliband says he will meet the PM to discuss changes to the expenses system but - shouting across the chamber - he says that Mr Cameron "just doesn't get it" when it comes to public anger about the issue.

The PM says a lot of changes to expenses scrutiny have happened since 2010 but there is "absolutely" more to do. He accuses the Labour leader of "playing politics" with Mrs Miller's resignation.

TWEET BBC South politcal editor Peter Henley
tweets: Cameron tells #pmqs Miliband is jumping on a bandwagon after he talks of "deep concern and anger of public"

Ed Miliband says the country is "appalled" by the conduct of the PM over the last week and cannot understand his "failure to recognise what went wrong". This has undermined trust, he argues.

David Cameron says more needs to be done to reassure the public over expenses and is happy to hold meetings with other party leaders, saying Parliament is "good and honest".

TWEET Labour List editor Mark Ferguson
tweets: Sounds like organised barracking of Miliband from the Tory benches #pmqs

The PM says Maria Miller did "one things wrong" and apologised. He accuses Mr Miliband of jumping on "political bandwagon" after "the circus has left town".

David Cameron accuses Ed Miliband of inconsistency for not calling for Maria Miller to resign when she was still in her job.

TWEET David Wooding, Sun on Sunday political editor
tweets: PM admits there is still "very deep concern" among the public and the "anger is still very raw" and needs to be acted on. #PMQsv

The Labour leader says Maria Miller gave a "perfunctory" apology over her expenses and accuses the PM of a "terrible error of judgement" in backing her.

Ed Miliband says it will be "unclear" to the country why Maria Miller is not still in her job, given the PM's attitude.

The prime minister says Maria Miller was accused of housing her parents at public expense but was cleared and he thought it right to allow her to apologise and continue.

David Cameron says anger over expenses is "still very raw", but adds that people should be allowed to clear their name and get on with the job, rather than being instantly dismissed.

Labour leader Ed Miliband says the events of the last week have caused deep concern and anger to the public.

We are under way. David Cameron answers a question on immigration, saying the government is getting the situation under control.

The noise level in the House is high, with just a few seconds to go until Prime Minister's Questions.

The House of Commons is almost full ahead of Prime Minister's Questions. David Cameron is going through his notes. Newly promoted culture secretary Sajid Javid has just taken his place on the front bench.

EMAIL Mason, Hastings
emails: How on earth can parliament lecture bankers on morals and doing the right thing when Maria Miller acts this way?

David Cameron's spokesman says it was Mrs Miller's decision to resign, adding that she and the prime minister "spoke by phone last night after the state banquet at Windsor" in honour of Irish President Michael D Higgins.

Will Maria Miller turn up to Prime Minister's Questions? We'll find out when things get going just after 12:00 BST.

Labour have attacked David Cameron for his decision to replace Maria Miller with a man, Sajid Javid. Shadow equalities minister Gloria De Piero said: "There is now no full member of the Cabinet speaking for women. There are now just three women running government departments out of a possible 22, demonstrating that when it comes to women, it's out of sight, out of mind for this out of touch government."

Basingstoke UKIP councillor Ray Finch says he has no sympathy for Maria Miller.

In Maria Miller's Basingstoke constituency, Conservative councillor Elaine Still says she should not have resigned, as she was a "fantastic secretary of state".

TWEET Matt Hancock, Conservative MP for West Suffolk, Minister for Skills and Enterprise
tweets: Delighted @sajidjavid has been made Culture Secretary - he will bring a huge amount to the job and to the cabinet table
TWEET Sadiq Khan, Labour MP for Tooting, Shadow Justice Secretary
tweets: Many congrats to @sajidjavid on his promotion to cabinet (and not just because he sponsored #YesWeKhan)

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps says the controversy over Maria Miller's expenses relates to event before 2010. Had it happened since then it would not have been handled by fellow MPs because of rule changes, he says.

Labour's Chuka Umunna says it is impossible to "underestimate how toxic the expenses issue is" and that Maria Miller will face a battle to keep her parliamentary seat.

Speaking on BBC Two's Daily Politics, Labour's Chuka Umunna says the Maria Miller controversy is "bad for all of us", as it damages all MPs.

Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps dismisses claims by Maria Miller's aide that she was the victim of a media witch hunt, telling BBC Two's Daily Politics the press "should can and should go anywhere they want to".

Is the prime minister trying to address those critics who point out the lack of women in the cabinet? Newly-promoted Nicky Morgan will now attend cabinet meetings as minister for women, although she is not a fully-fledged cabinet minister

David Cameron and Nicky Morgan in 2010
TWEET Robin Walker, Conservative MP for Worcester
tweets: Congratulations to my Worcestershire colleague @sajidjavid on his appointment to the cabinet, a stellar career and a nice guy as well
TWEET Cathy Newman, Channel 4 News presenter and Telegraph blogger
tweets: So @NickyMorgan01 couldn't be minister for equalities because she voted against gay rights? So she just gets the women bit
And adds: Looks like @sajidjavid gets equalities and @NickyMorgan01 gets minister for women - so they split brief because Nicky anti gay rights?
TWEET Bloomberg's Rob Hutton
tweets: Sajid Javid, 1st member of 2010 intake to reach cabinet, took estimated 98% pay cut to enter politics. Interview:

Could more MPs fall foul of the old expenses rules? Some more analysis on the politics page of the BBC News website. "There may still be MPs who over-claimed on their mortgages under the old system," the piece says.

EMAIL Andrew, Basingstoke
emails: As one of her constituents, I do not understand why Mrs Miller needs a second home in the first place. Basingstoke is 40 minutes on the train to London, why isn't she commuting like the rest of us?

TWEET Nick Robinson, BBC News political editor
tweets: One less woman in the Cabinet. No mums but one new Asian man who's the son of a bus driver

Tory Party chairman Grant Shapps says the decision to resign was Mrs Miller's and hers alone. He's told the BBC: "Maria Miller made the decision, contacted the prime minister and tendered her resignation." He says her decision came about because "Mrs Miller herself said this was a distraction from the wider government programme".

TWEET Yvette Cooper, Labour MP and Shadow Home Secretary
tweets: Another Cameron (mini) reshuffle, & result is even fewer women in full Cabinet positions. What is David Cameron's problem with women?
TWEET George Freeman, Conservative MP for Mid-Norfolk
tweets: Great news as Sajid Javid goes into Cabinet. A New Model Conservative for our times whose done great work at Treasury."

And adds: And grt news that Nicky Morgan promoted to Financial Secretary and attend Cabinet as Minister for Women. A 1st class MP and Minister.

TWEET Andy Bell, political editor, 5 News
tweets: Sajid Javid got his Bromsgrove seat because Julie Kirkbride had to step down over ... an expenses scandal @5_News #Miller
TWEET Lucy Powell, Labour and Co-operative MP and Shadow Minister for Childcare & Children
tweets: Maria Miller was the only mum in the cabinet. When was the last time there was no mother in the cabinet? @LabourHistory

The Daily Telegraph, which led the calls for Mrs Miller's head, says it was "the public that decided her fate". Political editor James Kirkup writes: "Other than Mary McLeod, her suicidally loyal PPS, no one was willing to speak up for her in public. Even privately, there was little support."

TWEET Ladbrokes Politics
tweets: Sajid Javid is 33/1 to be next Tory leader.

Mr Javid takes on a wide-ranging brief which covers - amongst others - the media, arts and broadcasting, gambling, sport, tourism and telecoms.

Mr Javid was financial secretary to the Treasury until today. He has been a Conservative Party member since 1988 and previously worked for Chase Manhattan Bank and Deutsche Bank.
TWEET Prime Minister David Cameron
tweets: Sajid Javid MP is the new Secretary of State for Culture, Media, Sport and Equalities.

And: Nicky Morgan MP is the new Financial Secretary to the Treasury. She'll also be Minister for Women and will attend Cabinet in that role.
Breaking News
Maria Miller's replacement is Sajid Javid, MP for Bromsgrove, David Cameron says.

Not much sympathy for Mrs Miller over at the Daily Mail which says she "had four au pairs but claimed not one of them could be traced to back up her story" about her domestic arrangements.

TWEET Sophie Ridge, Sky News political correspondent
tweets: Maria Miller v emotional in my iv with her. She takes "full responsibility" for "decision to resign" - not an explicit denial she was pushed
EMAIL Graham, Dorset
emails: Loyalty is seriously misguided in this case. in any other walk of life she would have been sacked and reprimanded or resigned of her own accord, which, under pressure, she finally has.

The idea that her resignation was about more than Mrs Miller's expenses was put to the former culture secretary a few minutes ago. She was asked: "Is it your opinion that this all part of a media witch hunt against you?" She said: "No. Look, I take full responsibility for the situation."

EMAIL Sebastian, London
emails: The only reason she is gone is because her political enemies decided to use a ruling of a slight mistake over expenses (about £5k) to bring down the lady responsible for modernising the party. This is not about £5k. It's about gay marriage.

Some analysis from the Independent's political editor. On suggestions Mrs Miller's role in the Leveson report fallout contributed to her downfall, Andrew Grice says "she was a lightning rod for attacks by newspapers resisting tougher [press] regulation that should really have been aimed at David Cameron. Downing Street, rather than Ms Miller, was calling the shots".

EMAIL David, Bristol
emails: My reading of the correspondence between the commissioner and Maria Miller makes me sympathetic to her. It seems that if she had designated her constituency home as her second home, the issue would never have arisen (and she could have claimed much the same expenses).

TWEET Mary Macleod, Conservative MP and PPS to Culture Secretary
tweets: Maria Miller was an excellent Culture Secretary, was great to work with and she will be missed from the front benches.

Asked about the suggestion that she was the victim of a media-led witch hunt because of her role in pushing through regulation of the press, she denied that was a factor adding: "I fully accept the findings in the parliamentary standards report".

TWEET George Eaton, editor of New Statesman's The Staggers blog
tweets: Miller's reference to "incredible" achievements of the government lays it on a little too thick.
TWEET Tom Newton Dunn, political editor at the Sun
tweets Maria Miller "was on verge of tears" in interview.

TWEET Sam Macrory, editor of Total Politics
tweets: 'I take full responsibility for my decision to resign' says Miller - which sidesteps whether she was encouraged to make that decision.

Asked if she resigned or was pushed, Mrs Miller said: "I take full responsibility for my decision to resign. I think it's the right thing to do." And she repeatedly stressed her "full support for the prime minister"

She says she wants to give the Conservative Party "the ability to come together" and to end a saga that she says was "detracting from the achievements of the government"

Maria Miller has given an interview explaining why she resigned this morning. She says she had hoped to stay in the cabinet but that the row had become an "enormous distraction" from the work of the government.

Maria Miller's departure leaves a gap in the cabinet. BBC Radio 5 live's chief political correspondent John Pienaar says we should expect a limited reshuffle later, rather than merely a straight culture secretary replacement.
Here's one the properties at the centre of all this - Mrs Miller's Basingstoke home. Local Conservat
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