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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Nintendo announces massive content infusion for Mario Golf: World Tour

Announced last year for the 3DS, Mario Golf: World Tour already offers a wealth of content with 10 courses, 126 holes, various multiplayer modes, as well as support for regional and worldwide tournaments. Players itching for more, though, will soon be sated, as today Nintendo revealed a plan for a series of three DLC packages that will add a total of 108 new holes and additional Mushroom Kingdom golfers. 

Starting on May 2 with the Mushroom Pack, more DLC will soon follow with the Flower Pack later that month, and finally the Star Pack in June. Each pack includes two new 18-hole courses and an additional playable character, with Toadette in the Mushroom Pack, Nabbit in the Flower Pack, and Rosalina in the Star Pack.

All three packs will be available for $5.99 apiece from Toad's Booth, which can be found in the game's main menu. Those golfers that know they'll want all three can buy them at a discounted Season Pass rate of $14.99, starting May 2. The Mushroom Pack will be downloadable right away, with the two subsequent releases unlocking as they become available. Season Pass holders will also receive a Gold Mario playable character, which features a special Golden Flower Shot that generates a bonus of three coins for every yard the ball travels. Gold Mario will also be unlocked for players that buy all three packs separately.

Nintendo will also offer Trial Tournaments for those looking to test out the new courses before purchasing. All players that own the game and download the Trial Pack will be able to participate in these tournaments.
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