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Sunday, 6 April 2014

EXCLUSIVE Hip hop world magazine interview with dammy krane

Hip Hop World Magazine had the opportunity to interview the young pop entertainer known as Dammy Krane. In the interview the 2013 Next Rated nominee spoke about his album, his energetic performances, Hypertek and his opinion on tattoos.

Interview by Ayodeji Onime
HHW: So what's new with Dammy Krane?

Dammy Krane: Well, Dammy Krane just dropped a single-'Sabi Dance', and its one of the songs on my forthcoming album to be titled 'Enterkraner'.

HHW: when should your fans expect the album to be released?

Dammy Krane: They should expect the album to drop anytime from April ending to the first week in May.

HHW: How was life like being the centre of attention whilst in school, considering that you were already famous as a student in campus?

Dammy Krane: You know, that's how the whole dammy Krane for the girls thing came about. You know, girls always came to me and ask "Dammy Krane, have you eaten? Dammy Krane how are you? Even the guys too showed me love, although not like the girls did sha. They liked me 'coz I'm a real guy.

HHW: Okay, we know Dammy is obviously your name, however, what's the Krane about? How did you come up with it?

Dammy Krane: Well, it's actually a metaphor. The Krane is a metaphor for upliftment. It's all about me aspiring to uplift my career.

HHW: You said sometimes ago that when you and your mum reunited after ten years, she was proud to see that you hadn't got any tattoos nor piercings, what's your take on body piercings and tattoos?

Dammy Krane: When people ask me that question, you know what I always tell them? You can't intentionally scratch a Bentley!

HHW: Pretty interesting. So that means there's no possibility of Dammy Krane ever getting a tattoo?

Dammy Krane: At all. Never!
HHW: So what should fans expect from "Enterkraner?"

Dammy Krane: Expect the unexpected. Expect a different kind of album.

Expect good music. Dammy is here talking to you but the Enterkraner is somewhere now working on a brilliant album. Expect the best Fuji album of the millennium.

HHW: Fuji Music. This leads us to a very interesting subject. What inspires the Fuji melodies in your songs?

Dammy Krane: You know, I grew up around Fuji music and Fuji people. You know, my mum actually manages fuji artistes. I always followed her to Fuji concerts. So these inspired my music a lot and you'd see a lot of these in my album.

HHW: So what is the most bizarre thing a fan has fan has done to you?

Dammy Krane: You know, there was this time I went to perform in one university and I was just back stage chilling and this girl came to me and asked me to sign on her bust. I didn't want to do it but I just had to.

HHW: What has fame deprived you of?
Dammy Krane: Freedom, before I could do what I want and what I like. But now, everything I do is everybody's business.

HHW: Can you let us in on a few of you future plans outside of music?

Dammy Krane: I intend establishing a dance school someday. I leant Michael Jackson also aspired to have a dance school as well, but unfortunately he couldn't actualize that before he died. Well, I intend to have a dance school someday.

HHW: You seem so energetic. In your performance, you always are exuding energy. What's the secret?

Dammy Krane: well, it's just me. That's how I am. Well, speaking on energy, there's this little secret I have, well, now it's out. All things being equal, Dammy Krane might soon be a brand ambassador of Lucozade boost.

HHW: How did you feel losing the much converted 'Next rated category to Sean Tizzle?

Dammy Krane: Well, Sean Tizzle is my guy. I feel he merits the award. He has done very well for himself, I think he merits the award. I think I might have won though, maybe if my fans had voted well enough.

HHW: So if not music, what will

Dammy Krane be doing?
Dammy Krane: I'll still be in school, probably studying medicine. I have always loved to look after people. I just might still study medicine, and maybe practice sometime in the future.
HHW: So how did you get Tuface's attention. How did you hook up the Hypertek Digital deal?

Dammy Krane: Well, it was someone who refered me to Tu Baba. I was just doing my thing, and that's how Tuface just reached out to me and luckily at that time I wasn't signed. So that's how it all started.

HHW: Is there any possibility of you leaving Hypertek Digital and if ever, on what condition or terms?

Dammy Krane:  For now, I don't see myself leaving Hypertek. Hypertek is family to me. There's love in Hypertek. The only reason I can leave Hypertek is when this love ceases to exit.

HHW:  Even at this stage in your career what advice would you give to up and coming artistes?

Dammy Krane: Loyalty, realness and humility. They also have to be patient.
HHW: Thank you for your time and I wish you the best in your music career.
Dammy Krane: Thanks and God bless.
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