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Monday, 28 April 2014

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Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong "ATLANTA (AP) — Kenya Moore says she's seriously considering leaving "The Real..."
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Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong Twentieth Century Fox has obtained the rights to Flash Gordon, and is moving ahead with a reboot of the property, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The studio hired screenwriters J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, the duo behind the upcoming Star Trek 3 script, and veteran producer John Davis is attached. The character of Flash Gordon was first introduced in 1934 through a comic strip created by Alex Raymond. Gordon was depicted as an athletic and intelligent hero who becomes embroiled in a plot to destroy Earth by Ming the Merciless. Within two years of the character's introduction, Flash G...
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Flash Gordon lands at 20th Century Fox, reboot in the works
Twentieth Century Fox has obtained the rights to Flash Gordon, and is moving ahead with a reboot of the property, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The studio hired screenwriters J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, the duo behind the upcoming Star Trek 3...
Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong An unofficial new Samsung device has been put through its paces by a Chinese electronics certification company. It's referred to as the Samsung SM-T2558, and despite it having a 7-inch display, the device has 3G and 4G connectivity options, and apparently passed through as a phone, not a tablet. The image you see here was also leaked, and sure enough, there's a speaker above the screen, ready for you to look very silly indeed while taking a call. It's speculated the T2558 may be part of Samsung's Galaxy Mega line-up. Currently, the range consists of two phones, the Mega 5.8 and the Mega 6....
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Samsung's Galaxy Mega phones may be about to get ridiculously large
An unofficial new Samsung device has been put through its paces by a Chinese electronics certification company. It's referred to as the Samsung SM-T2558, and despite it having a 7-inch display, the device has 3G and 4G connectivity options, and...
Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration further delayed its decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project on Friday, with no conclusion now likely until after the U.S. mid-term elections in November.President Barack Obama has said he will have the final say on whether to allow the pipeline connecting Canada's oil sands region to Texas refiners, and several government agencies had been given until May to weigh in. This had raised expectations of a final decision by mid-year.But the State Department said on Friday it was extending that agency comment period, citing a need...
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U.S. further delays final decision on Keystone XL pipeline
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration further delayed its decision on the controversial Keystone XL pipeline project on Friday, with no conclusion now likely until after the U.S. mid-term elections in November. President Barack Obama has...
Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong British developer Codemasters has been making racing games for over 25 years now, covering disciplines ranging from trick driving to street racing to F1. The developer has now confirmed its next foray into the world of racing with Grid: Autosport, a game that will dig deep into the team's wealth of experience with play that isn't constrained by a single style.Due out for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on June 24, 2014, Grid: Autosport offers five distinct disciplines of racing: Endurance, Open-wheel, Street racing, Touring, and Tuner competitions. Each style can be played at any time, and t...
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Codemasters announces Grid: Autosport, five racing games rolled up into one
British developer Codemasters has been making racing games for over 25 years now, covering disciplines ranging from trick driving to street racing to F1. The developer has now confirmed its next foray into the world of racing with Grid: Autosport, a...
Benjamin Ekpenyong
Benjamin Ekpenyong WASHINGTON (Reuters) - This may be the role reversal to end all role reversals.Scientists on Thursday described four insect species that dwell in extremely dry caves in Brazil, feed on bat guano and possess what the researchers called an "evolutionary novelty." .The females have an elaborate, penis-like organ while the males have a vagina-like opening into which females insert their organ during mating sessions that last 40 to 70 hours, the scientists reported in the journal Current Biology.The researchers said these attributes make the four species of the insect genus Neotrogla unique in...
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In weird Brazilian cave insects, male-female sex organs reversed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - This may be the role reversal to end all role reversals. Scientists on Thursday described four insect species that dwell in extremely dry caves in Brazil, feed on bat guano and possess what the researchers called an...
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