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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Warner Bros.’ Batman vs Superman Will Confront with One of Marvel’s Upcoming Superhero Films

When it comes to superheroes, fan base is usually divided among DC comic Superheroes and Marvel superheroes. Most of the fans like to compare the skills of DC comic heroes with Marvel's and debate about which one is better than other. Such enthusiastic fans would be excited to know that DC comics' upcoming film "Batman vs. Superman" and one of Marvel's next superhero films are preparing themselves for a head on collision in 2016.

Previously, the identity of the Marvel's film set to release on May 6, 2016, was kept undisclosed. But the mystery has been revealed. The Marvel's superhero film, which is going to match wits with Warner Bros.' Man of Steel sequel, is Captain America 3, according to various reliable media reports.

Many experts and moviegoers say that such competition should be avoided, particularly collision between two most admired superheroes franchises which have complete domination of almost all movie and comic superheroes.

Typically, studios choose opening dates years beforehand with the purpose of making the most of the potential audience for their movies and to add a flag in the calendar as a reminder of competitors that gratify alike demographics.

Both films are being considered to be blockbusters and are pitched toward the fans of comic books and science fiction movies. This biggest superhero box office showdown in history might have been fended off had Warner Bros. not pushed the Man of Steel's sequel's launch date back ten months so as to make possibility for more production time. It was earlier set to release in cinemas in summer 2015.

By bringing together main DC comic superhero characters on big screen, It seems that Warner Bros. is trying to imitate the epic assemble of Marvel's leading superheroes characters in Avengers universe. Recently, during a promotional campaign of the next Captain America sequel, Marvel's head Kevin Feige accepted the challenge, describing that he had no intentions to change the release date.

As per some rumors in media circles, Warner Bros. may have been holding off to observe what the Marvel title was prior to thinking about a date change for its film. Director of Man of Steel sequel, Zack Snyder, will start filming in the next few weeks.

So, are you excited to see the epic back to back superheroes films from two prestigious studios? It would be hell of a weekend, for sure.
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