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Thursday, 6 March 2014

Oksana Grigorieva It's Mel Gibson to the Rescue In Bankruptcy Case

Mel Gibson may end up saving the woman who ruined him.

Oksana Grigorieva just filed docs in her bankruptcy case, claiming she can only afford $372 a month to repay her debts -- listed at $438,000 -- but at that rate, it will take her nearly a hundred years to make good.

So, Oksana is asking the court to clear the balance of her debts after 5 years -- when she'll only have repaid $22,320 ... or 5% of her total debt ... most of which she owes to the lawyers she employed in her war against Mel.

The funny part Mel is currently paying Oksana $20,000 a month in child support for their daughter Lucia so if she gets what she's asking for in the bankruptcy case, she could clear her debt in one fell swoop with a single child support check from her one time sugar daddy.

So the lawyers get screwed, Mel gets screwed and Oksana well, that's just what she does.
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