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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Mischa Barton Will Play Lead Role in Thriller ‘Hope Lost’ alongside Danny Trejo and Michael Madsen

Mischa Barton (The Sixth Sense, Notting Hill), Danny Trejo (Machete), Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill: Vol. 1) and Daniel Baldwin have been announced to play lead roles in sex-trafficking thriller "Hope Lost", which is projected to begin filming in Rome this month. Italian director David Petrucci will direct as well as produce the film. He is well-known for his inexpensive thriller "Canepazzo" ("Crazy Dog"), in which Franco Nero appeared as a lead character of a serial killer.

The story of "Hope Lost" centers on a character Sofia, which will be played by Mischa Barton, a juvenile Romanian who is bored with trivial urban life and dreams of having a sensational life filled with fame and money – a world that she observes on Italian soap operas. One night at a club she stumbles across a guy named Gabriele, who claims to be a film maker and offers her to appear in his reality TV show that he is filming in Italy. But when she agrees and reaches on target location, she is trapped into prostitution and coerced to make her living on the streets. She is later disposed of to a purchaser Ettore (Danny Trejo) by her pandar Manol (Michael Madsen). Ettore is a pervert who makes snuff films and makes her suffer along with another young girl.

Andrea Iervolino (known for "The Merchant of Venice") and Monika Bacardi have been announced to produce the film under the label of AMBI Pictures, which is opened in Rome in 2013 and created its own Beverly Hills-based global gross revenue entity. They are also working on another mega film project "The Humbling", which will be directed by Barry Levinson and includes Al Pacino as a lead character together with Mandy Patinkin, Kyra Sedgwick, Charles Grodin and Dianne Wiest. Set on a farm in upstate New York, the story of this film is based on the novel by Philip Roth and revolves around the relationship between an elderly, desperate actor and a younger woman.

The Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi currently completed action thriller "Sights of Death", starring Danny Glover (known for Lethal Weapon and 2012), Daryl Hannah (Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Blade Runner), Rutger Hauer (Batman Begins, Sin City), Stephen Baldwin (The Usual Suspects) and Michael Madsen.

So, what are your views about this cast in the upcoming thriller 'Hope Lost'?
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