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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Is she okay? Maheeda Declares: “No One Can Change Me, Not Even God”

Can you beat this
Nigeria's Queen of the Nude Republic, Caroline Sam, the very one who loves to be called Maheeda, is not one woman to be cowed for long.

Despite criticism she has received for posting her naked photos on social media and Instagram banning her from using their medium, the self-confessed one-time prostitute and 'born again gospel singer', is not ready to rein on her wild ways as she still find time to indulge in her passion, which is to inundate us with more of her nudity.

The married mother of one has even taken the name Goddess of X and says that she loves to have sex every day and that it relaxes her.

She also blasted anyone who tries to talk sense into her head by changing her ways.

This is what she told them:

«When I started posting pix, U did not ask me to.

«I did it cos I want to; so don't think you can make me stop or make me do anything rather than what I want to do.

«I do what makes me happy. No one can stop me… Not even God.

And she also released some new photos to boot… No need to ask, they are just as raunchy.

Hmmmmm…. Maheeda!!!

Do you think she has gone overboard here?
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