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Thursday, 20 March 2014

Hollywood vs The Vatican Pope Francis Refuses To Meet Actor Russel Crowe

Does the Man of God have the power to deny a visitor who means no harm?

Pope rejects Russell Crowe's Noah from the Vatican.

Pope rejects endorsing Russel Crowe's film, Noah.

Pope Francis has allegedly declined to meet with Hollywood actor Russell Crowe amidst the premier of the actor's new film, Noah.

According to the Vatican, the 77-year-old current Pope of the Catholic Church was reluctant to meet the 'Noah' actor due to the media circus it would create.

According to the New York Post, Vatican officials had tentatively agreed to the meeting but the Pope cancelled because he was worried about the media frenzy it would create and was afraid that it would become a "huge spectacle".

Sources had revealed that the 49-year-old New Zealand actor had launched a campaign to have his new Biblical epic film viewed by the Pope via Twitter and had claimed that the film has a "powerful, fascinating, resonant" message.

If President Obama and the Duke And Duchess of Cambridge can host the premier of Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, why can't the Pope watch Noah?

However, Studio Paramount has denied that a meeting was ever scheduled.
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