The split which was by mutual agreement, was necessitated by the expiration of his contract with the Banky W-led recording house.
» more With the departure of Skales, EME only has 4 acts left, including Wizkid, Niyola, Shaydee, Banky W, and DJ Xclusive.
What next for Skales?
Reports reaching have it that popular rapper and singer, Skales, have been dropped by his record label, Empire Mates Entertainment (EME).
The split which was by mutual agreement, was necessitated by the expiration of his contract with the Banky W-led recording house. According to our sources, Skales's contract with EME had expired, and the company directors, didn't think it was profitable to renew his contract with him.
Skales was signed to EME in 2010, on a 3-year contract, and amidst a number of hit songs such as Mukulu, Take Care Of Me, and Komole, he had not truly risen to the top of mainstream Nigerian music. His situation was not helped by the meteoric rise of his label-mate, Wizkid. So he was dropped.
Further confirmation of the report can be gotten from social media, as Skales has taken off EME from his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, but no official word has been received from him or his representatives. All efforts to contact him and our contacts at EME have yielded no result.
With the departure of Skales, EME only has 4 acts left, including Wizkid, Niyola, Shaydee, Banky W, and DJ Xclusive.
So what next for Skales? He's still with Management, so we're awaiting his new direction. We will keep you updated.
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Saturday, 22 February 2014
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» Not So Good! Skales Loses His Job! Dropped By Banky W’s Empire Mates Entertainment Label
Not So Good! Skales Loses His Job! Dropped By Banky W’s Empire Mates Entertainment Label
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