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Friday, 14 February 2014

Kim K's Ever Growing Butt Kim Kardashian's Butt May Not Be Real Afterall!

There are reasons to believe Kim kardashian's butt is not real afterall...

Kim Kardashian shows off her popular behind  (

Kim and her famous butt  (

Kim Kardashian  (

Kim K way back the (
Nori's mum and Kanye's baby mama, reality star Kim Kardashian has an amazing body shape no doubt, the attention loving fashionista has a butt that leaves guys jaws hanging (oh yeah guys, we know) but there are lot of questions unanswered about Kim Kardashian's butt!

The Armenian beauty that is Kim K went as far as confirming on an episode of Keeping up with the kardashians that she has never gotten any sort of implant on her bum that she has it 100% natural!

Loking closely at Kim Kardashian's past pictures we have doubts especially as she (her butt) seem to have gone way bigger recently, this took us back to a Uk based weekly tabloid claims that Kim had fat taken from her legs into her butt! We think it may not be far from the truth.

Kim has been fighting claims that her butt is fake for a while, she went as far as getting an X-ray on KUWTK to prove she didnt have any implants or injections but people insists she has had work done on her butt.

A renowed practitioner, Copeland  claimed "Kim had lipo on her legs and the doctor moved the fat into her butt. That's why it didn't show up on the X-ray, Dr. Michelle Copeland also said that the photographic evidence doesn't prove that she's never had her hind parts enhanced. "It definitely appears that Kim had her butt augmented," she said. "An implant has to be radio opaque to show up on an X-ray, so it's possible she has a type of implant that would not be detected."

And truly these days, Kim's rear seem to keep expanding without a care. This begs the question, do you think Kim's butt is real? Take a look at her early pictures till now and be the judge!
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