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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Fur Sucks Khloe Kardashian Blasts PETA In New York

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star has a strange but bold way of saying something

Khloe Kardashian blast PETA with "F**k Yo Fur" bold message in NYC

Khloe Kardashian goes nude for PETA campaign
Khloe Kardashian is proving sisterly love if far thicker than her love for PETA and its alleged campaign against wearing fur.

Despite her participation with the organisation years ago, the E! star was spotted in New York Monday morning rocking a fake fur coat on the street with the words, "F*CK YO FUR" boldly spray-painted on her back in bright red letters.

According to reports, the youngest Kardashian sister cut all ties with anti-fur group back in 2012 after a PETA-affiliated activist dumped flour on Kim K during a red carpet appearance.

Khloe has been seen speaking out against wearing fur for years and even partnered with PETA on several campaigns where she appeared on bill boards across America naked saying, "I rather go naked than wear FUR".

Bet her message now will read, "I'll rather go crazy than not wear fur!" Too bad PETA!
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