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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Facebook, WhatsApp, BBM, and the value of mobile messaging

massive $16 billion acquisition of WhatsApp this week stirring things up, Rene Ritchie asked me to join him on the Vector podcast to discuss what it all means for the world of mobile instant messaging.

With BBM being the originator in this space, I have a lot of STRONG opinions on this subject that I share during the show. It's definitely a worth listen. If you've followed me for a long time, you know how I feel about this topic. It was absolutely in BlackBerry's power to OWN the multi-platform messaging market - Whatsapp's 450 Million users should never have happened.

I'll be following up with a longer editorial on all of this soon (I'm a bit tight on time at the moment getting ready to head to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress), but while you're waiting for that, be sure to take a listen as we cover it all. It's always podcast magic when Rene and I get together!
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