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Saturday, 22 February 2014

Enjoy Your Favourite Books Anywhere

Reading Any Book Anywhere

Is it just me or is does the world seem like a lot busier place? We seem to be rushing around a lot more, seeing more places and trying new things. With advances in travel and technology we can get to places a lot quicker and we can be much more active with our lives. This is all fantastic but with all this moving around we are missing out on some of the simpler things in life. I found that there is sometimes nothing better than taking some time out of my busy day and enjoy reading a really good book.

As we move around more and more I found it a lot harder to carry around the books I want to read. I used to find that when I was getting ready for work my briefcase would be filled up and I'd have no room to take a book with me. Then there are times when I forget to take it with me or I wished I had brought another book with me.

In recent years eReaders have made it a lot easier for us to read on the move and take our whole libraries with us in one easy portable device. The only trouble is they aren't cheap and can you afford to buy yourself another piece of technology? Thankfully this problem has now been solved with the explosion in popularity of smart phones and tablets. Now you no longer need to buy a separate device just for reading books you can simply download an app onto your phone or tablet and suddenly you can read on the go for no extra cost.

The Kobo App

The app we recommend is the Kobo eBook app. This is a free eBook app that you can download onto your mobile or tablet. This means you can now read on your android mobile or tablet anywhere and at anytime. Now when I am on the train to work I can read anyone of my books without having to carry around any of them with me.

Kobo has a library of over 4 million free or affordable titles for you to choose from. Generally you will find eBooks are cheaper than their hardback or paperback equivalents so you will often find you are saving money on your purchases. Most books will be downloaded in seconds so you can purchase and download books in seconds. So when you hear a recommendation of a good book you can be reading it in seconds. The background, look and even the font sizes can be customised making the whole reading experience a lot more enjoyable.

So now in this non-stop world when you want to take a break and enjoy your favourite book you can simply pull your phone out of your pocket and you can be reading in seconds.
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