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Friday, 21 February 2014

71-year-old Beauty Reveals What Rejuvenate Her

71-year-old Anette Larkins reveals her secret of looking like a 30-year-old beauty. She is a big buff of a raw food. She stuck to her healthy lifestyle in order to have more energy, but now she reaps more benefits of it. She hasn't had any plastic surgery so far. And she looks superb and naturally young.

She had all chances to have bad health because of her heredity. Her mother dyed of breast cancer at 47, and her grandmother died of the same disease at 36. The cancer took his other relatives as well. Diabetes is also common in her family.

Anette doesn't consume any medications. Her motto is the quote of Hippocrates: "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." So she sticks this rule avoiding meat and diary in her daily menu. But instead she eats a lot of row fruit and vegetables and drinks no less than a gallon of pure distilled water. She disciplines herself getting up no later than 5:30 a.m. And even in her age, Anette does exercises for at least an hour every day.

Mrs. Larkins became a vegan in 1960s, but later started eating only raw food – unprocessed and uncooked. Anette has a huge garden near her house where she grows her own fruit, vegetables, and herbs. She also collects rain water to drink and water her plants. Everyday she drinks juice made of what she has grown. She can juice everything from her garden, even spinach. Her favorite plant is wheatgrass. She assures that her garden is a fountain of youth.

Mr. Larkins, her husband respects what his wife does, but he decided to eat the way he did when he was first married. He laughs saying that when strangers see him together with his wife, they think that she is his granddaughter. Annette has brought up her two sons and now she is a grandmother. She is full of energy and shares her views in her booklet called Journey to Health and DVD.
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