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Friday, 21 February 2014

7 Things You Will Regret When You Grow Old

1. Senile Regret: Why Didn't I Listen to My Wise Folks?..

You start to love and appreciate your parents more when you become a parent yourself. And as you grow old, you might regret about those stupid arguments with you folks over simple tasks.

When we were kids all we wanted was to stand on our two feet and make decisions ourselves. Parents control sucked. They told us where to go, what to say, what to dress, what to eat, who to hang out with like they were experts. And now that you have cut your wisdom teeth, you realized that they actually were experts.

We used to think that our problem was so unique that stupid parents with their trivial experiences couldn't deal with it. They didn't want to listen our "I want" and bored us with their opposite "You need". They gave us unreal tasks when we wanted to laze with friends. They dictated their will whom to date and ransacked your room. They drove us crazy with their aim to change us. And we pretended hard nuts. But finally it turned that we were just nuts.

We realized that they really loved us and protected from evil while other indulging people just didn't care about us. They looked from the outside and could see things we couldn't. Our parents really kept our best interests at their hearts. We used to feel hurt that they were nonchalant to our ardours but it turned out that they had followed every our action.

The reasons to listen to your parent's advice are:
• They know you better, because they raised you.
• Their relationship is fine, and they can tell you the secret.
• Their relationship didn't work out, so they know what you shouldn't do.
• If you obey them you divide the responsibility in half; when you decide on your own, that would be your own mistake.
•You can't figure it out yourself.

When we give birth to our own children we find ourselves involved in the same "thankless" game: our kids don't want to obey us, and we reap what we have sown. Don't waste your time and reconsider your attitude to your parents. They still wait for a word of thank from you.

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